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Exploring the Unique Role of Core Boards in Communication: What Sets Them Apart


Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and for individuals with speech or language challenges, the ability to effectively communicate can greatly impact their quality of life. Various tools and strategies have been developed to support individuals with communication difficulties, and among them, core boards stand out as a unique and valuable resource. In this blog post, we'll delve into what core boards are and how they differ from other types of communication boards.

Understanding Core Boards

Firstly, what exactly is a core board? A core board is a type of communication aid that contains a set of core vocabulary words and phrases arranged in a grid format. Unlike traditional communication boards that may contain a wide range of specific nouns, verbs, and adjectives, core boards focus on essential words that are frequently used across different contexts and can be combined to form various sentences.

The Role of Core Vocabulary

One of the key features of core boards is the emphasis on core vocabulary. Core vocabulary consists of words that are versatile, high-frequency, and applicable in multiple situations. These words are the building blocks of communication and are essential for expressing a wide range of thoughts, needs, and desires. Examples of core vocabulary words include "I," "you," "want," "more," "go," "stop," "like," "help," and so on.

Differentiating Core Boards from Other Communication Aids

Now, let's explore how core boards differ from other types of communication aids:

1. Focus on Universal Language: Core boards prioritize universal language elements that can be used across various settings and activities. Instead of relying solely on specific nouns or activities, core boards provide a foundation for expressing basic communication needs and engaging in conversations.

2. Promotion of Language Development: By incorporating core vocabulary words, core boards not only facilitate communication but also support language development. Users are encouraged to combine core words to form sentences and express more complex ideas, fostering linguistic growth over time.

3. Flexibility and Customization: While core boards have a set of core vocabulary words, they also allow for customization to meet individual needs. Users can add additional words or symbols based on their preferences, interests, or specific communication goals, making the board adaptable to different users.

4. Encouragement of Natural Communication: Core boards promote natural communication by providing users with the tools to express themselves in a more spontaneous and interactive manner. Rather than relying solely on predetermined phrases or sentences, users can use core vocabulary to generate their own messages and participate actively in conversations.

The Impact of Core Boards on Communication

The use of core boards can have significant benefits for individuals with communication difficulties. By providing access to essential vocabulary and supporting language development, core boards empower users to express themselves, engage with others, and participate more fully in various aspects of life. Additionally, core boards can enhance social interactions, improve academic performance, and increase independence for individuals with communication challenges.


In conclusion, core boards play a vital role in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) by focusing on core vocabulary and providing users with the tools to express themselves effectively. By prioritizing universal language elements, promoting language development, and encouraging natural communication, core boards offer a unique approach to supporting individuals with communication difficulties. As technology advances and communication aids evolve, core boards remain a valuable resource for enhancing communication and improving quality of life.

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